Day eight

Le Doubs river as it flow through Dole.

After leaving my wild camp at 7:30 I arrive at my chosen campsite mid afternoon, halfway between Besancon and Chalon-sur-Saone. A fairly easy ride of around 50km. I cannot download my photos from my smartphone for some reason so now I have about three days worth of photos and will soon lose track of where they belong. Also it is hard enough blogging when things work but catching up will be almost impossible. I suspect part of the problem is everyone using the WiFi at these campsites making it very slow. The other problem is Apple/Safari and Google being incompatible. 

People keep mentioning the Loire valley but I am pretty sure we are far away from that. We have followed Le Doubs river over the last two days and a few parallel canals but it gets quite confusing as there are many rivers and canals in this region and the EV6 cycle route follows them all, switching back and forth.

No pictures until a miracle happens or I book into a hotel.😍 Here's a smiley anyway, that works.

Update 010921: Well a miracle did happen and I found a campsite where things function. So here are photos of some geese, which along with a couple of hens and turkeys blocked my way. I had a word with them about supper and they kindly ambled back through an open gateway.


  1. 🤗 Ich freue mich für Dich, dass es jetzt wieder läuft. Auch wenn es mit den Fotos nicht klappt - ich lese gern Deinen Blog! Heute bin ich auf dem besten Zeltplatz soweit gelandet: in Palinges. Aber auch total verdient: Die letzten 20 Kilometer ging es nur bergauf, bergab. ;-) Hier hat jedes Zelt seinen eigenen Platz, mit überdachter Sitzecke und Strom. Und der Platz liegt am See. Solltest Du vielleicht probieren. Hinten raus auf der Wiese hält ein Esel die Kühe in Schach. Ich habe ein Selfie mit ihm. ;-)
    Mal sehen, ob ich morgen weiter ziehe. Auf jeden Fall schlafe ich aus, genieße das Frühstück mit Blick auf den See und fahre - wenn - nicht so weit.
    Beste Grüße und eine gute Nacht!

    1. Just to check if this works ... more soon. I posted a reply comment this morning but it does not show up on Safari.

  2. Well that seemed to work. Hi Gesine, hope you slept well. I see you are off to the west now, I shall be heading more south tomorrow to Lyon. It does make a huge difference when you find a good campsite. Tonight I was lucky too and hopefully will get a good night's sleep. It was amazingly quiet today, few bikers and little traffic on the roads. Looks like out our routes part here. Hope to hear how your journey continues in future and take care, have fun, enjoy the ride. Best wishes!

    1. Pity you cannot edit comments to correct spelling mistakes here. Google you should look at improving your Blogger app. It has not changed in years and also have a word with Apple too and see if you cannot agree on common formatting for images and text. It is a complete shambles at present. In a nutshell it does not work properly.


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